On Apr 7, 7:33 am, Joe McCann <joseph.is...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Ricardo,
> I see your point now.  I was under the impression $.browser was
> becoming deprecated so $.support would take it's place.  But given the
> fact that I currently need to run one method for IE6, I will continue
> to use the $.browser method.

If you describe the reason you are trying to specifically detect IE 6,
you might discover a work around that doesn't require it.

> In regards to conditional comments, this becomes a performance issue
> where an additional JavaScript request is made on the server and has
> to download, impacting page load speed.

There is no need for a separate file - and even if there was, the
extra download will likely go unnoticed.  Non-IE 6 users certainly
won't notice.

>  I would rather take my
> chances with a browser sniff in one JS file than have to load an
> additional JS file AND maintain that JS file.

You have to maintain the code anyway, besides, the conditional comment
can be used to set a global variable without the need to load a
separate file.  The only difference is that a conditional comment is
used to detect the browser rather than the user agent string.


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