Solved 1 and 2 just not the third. Anyway to detected duplicates only?
Everything I found on the net only removes duplicates.

$.validator.addMethod('keywords', function(value, element) {
        var valid = true;
        var valid = (value.length > 0);
        var message = $(element);
        if (this.optional(element)) {
                return true;
        var keywords = value.split(',');
        for (var i in keywords) {
                keyword = Trim(keywords[i]);
                duplicates = Trim(keywords[i]);
                if (!keywords[2]) {
                        var valid = false;
                else if (keywords[8]) {
                        message.parent('div').next('div').empty().append('8 to 
                        var valid = false;
                if (keyword.length < 3) {
                        var valid = false;
                else if (keyword.length > 30) {
                        var valid = false;
                else if (keyword.match(/\b\w+\b/g).length > 2) {
words in
                        var valid = false;
                else {
                        var words = keyword.split(' ');
                        for (var i in words) {
                                word = Trim(words[i]);
                                if (word.length < 3) {
message.parent('div').next('div').empty().append('each word 3
characters minimum');
                                        var valid = false;
        return valid;
}, false);

On Apr 9, 10:51 am, dotcomtim <> wrote:
> I am working on a custom filter to check for errors by adding the
> addMethod() function within the jQuery Validation Plugin. I have
> success so far with most of it except for the last few items.
> 1) Individual Messages – I like to replace the alert messages to
> append their own message. I tried several methods according to the
> plugin except I keep getting this error Warning: No message defined
> for keywords. I can eliminate this by adding a common error message
> for keywords except I am looking for individual messages.
> Here is what I have add success with so far.
> $.validator.addMethod("keywords", function(value, element) {
>         if (this.optional(element)) {
>                 return true;
>         }
>         var valid = true;
>         var keywords = value.split(',');
>         var valid = (value.length > 0);
>         for (var i in keywords) {
>                 keyword = Trim(keywords[i]);
>                 if (keyword.length < 3) {
>                         //alert('to short '+keyword);
>                         var valid = false;
>                 }
>                 else if (keyword.length > 30) {
>                         //alert('to long '+keyword);
>                         var valid = false;
>                 }
>                 else if (keyword.match(/\b\w+\b/g).length > 2) {
>                         //alert('to many words '+keyword);
>                         var valid = false;
>                 }
>                 // else if (duplicates) { }
>                 // else if (each word greater than 2 characters) {}
>         }
>         return valid;
> });
> If I can get help with item 1 I would appreciate it allot. Items 2 and
> 3 are not important unless someone has done something similar I give
> suggestions.
> 2) Validate duplicate words – If 2 keywords are the same fire off an
> error.
> Allow Example: water, waterfront
> Disallowed Example: waterfront, waterfront
> 3) Validate character length in each word – If an individual word is
> less than 3 characters fire off an error.
> Allow Example: the waterfront
> Disallowed Example: a waterfront

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