I blogged recently about making an object-oriented jQuery plugin. It
basically allows you to access your plugin as an object and call methods on
it like any regular javascript object.

I hope it helps :)


On Fri, Apr 10, 2009 at 3:07 AM, poppiez <popcorndr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> I've made my own autocomplete plugin that serves my needs. The plugin
> stores the data that the user has selected. Since the user can select
> multiple things the input value is not suffient.
> I wanted to know if it's possible to define a new method, outside of
> the plugin, that can obtain data from the plugin. So let's assume I
> have this autocomplete plugin with a method x, that returns the data.
> How can I call x from outside of the plugin? I don't know if this is a
> security issue, but I appreciate any response to this.
> Thanks!

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