It's the transferring variables between functions in separate js files
is the big problem. If the functions are in the same file it's no

On Apr 10, 5:02 pm, "Rick Faircloth" <> wrote:
> Look interesting!  When you say that you can't communicate
> between two functions...are you talking about sharing
> variables?  If so, then how do you currently get around
> send one variable and its value from one function to another?
> Thanks,
> Rick
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] On
> Behalf Of JBeckton
> Sent: Friday, April 10, 2009 4:05 PM
> To: jQuery (English)
> Subject: [jQuery] Re: Managing scripts in AJAX applications
> I feel your pain... The project I am working on could have went faster
> had I not used AJAX so much, But the only way to get better at it is
> to use it more and more. Then you have to deal with the browser
> support issues, but that.s another topic.I should have used Adobe
> Flex!
> Looking at your code snippet the if statement is a bit redundant, in
> the success callback you will always have "Success". This is the
> benefit of the jQuery Framework. So in your Success callback you
> should not have to check to see if the request was successful because
> the framework already does that. You have a Success and Error option
> so you can run code on either event. Below is an example of my ajax
> request.
> var loadCaseView = function(targetURL) {
>                 var url = targetURL;
>                 $.ajax({
>                         url: url,
>                         type: "get",
>                         dataType: "html",
>                         cache: false,
>                         success: function(html){
>                                 viewCaseDialog.html(html);
>                                 $.getScript("lib/js/cmWorkbench.js",
> function(){});
>                         },
>                         error: function(XMLHttpRequest,textStatus,
> errorThrown){
> viewCaseDialog.html(XMLHttpRequest.statusText);
>                         }
>                 });
>         }
> For each remote "Chunk of HTML" I get via AJAX I will have some js to
> go with it if it's needed, so I load the supporting js file in the
> success callback after injecting the HTML into the DOM element. So for
> each interface I load from the server via AJAX I'll also load the js
> for that interface. Or you could embed your js in the interface HTML
> as jQuery knows to evaluate that embedded js as long as you specify
> the data type option in your AJAX options, I try to avoid embedding my
> js because that can get ugly.
> This technique keeps me from having huge js files to manage but also
> provides it's own set of challenges as well. The problem with this is
> that you cannot communicate between two scripts or I have not learned
> how to yet. I think using name spaces is the way to solve that but not
> sure.
> On Apr 10, 1:29 pm, "Rick Faircloth" <> wrote:
> > Hi, JB...
> > I never did get back to your question about transferring variables
> > between functions, but took up this question in another thread.
> > Here's what I posted in answer to another poster's question:
> > Also, since I've having the same problem with too much jQuery/AJAX/HTML
> > going into a single page, I'd like to know more about how you're
> > structuring your code with the includes and pulling your needed
> > code into a DIV.
> > Can you give an example that demonstrates this "framework" that you use?
> > Thanks,
> > Rick
> > Here's the response to transferring variables...
> > ---------------------------------------------------------
> > Here's a method that I'm using to pass data from
> > an ajax response to another function:  (I'm starting
> > with the success: section of an ajax call)
> > success:   function(response) {
> >               if    ( response.MESSAGE == 'Success' )
> >                     { populateStoryTable(response); }
> >               else  { alert(Rats!  No good!);       }
> > That makes all of the data sent back in "response"
> > available to reference in the function "populateStoryTable".
> > It's transferred to the populateStoryTable function by using
> > populateStoryTable(response) {
> >    ...whatever code I want to run...
> > That's just a way to directly link the functions with the
> > data they need.
> > Michael, this is the method you're referring to which calls
> > the next function that's needed when the data is ready.
> > I've used this method of putting variables inside the () after
> > a function call to pass data all around.
> > If I do an inline function call, I can use "myFunction(story_id)"
> > to pass a story_id to the "myFunction" function.
> > I'm just learning about this stuff, really, so I'm sharing how
> > I'm managing to make some of the jQuery and especially ajax stuff
> > work.
> > I've been working for a month trying to get an ajax app finished
> > that I could have completed in a day with standard "page-to-page"
> > processing, passing variables through url's and session, but I'm
> > bound and determined to make this work.  I keep writing and re-writing
> > the app as I learn more.
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: [] On
> > Behalf Of JBeckton
> > Sent: Thursday, April 09, 2009 7:31 PM
> > To: jQuery (English)
> > Subject: [jQuery] Re: Managing scripts in AJAX applications
> > Hey...
> > I am using ColdFusion as well on the FuseBox Framework.
> > I have somewhat of a slick way to handle the js resources, it was
> > great at first but the more screen/interfaces I have the more
> > difficult it becomes to manage the js. I basically have a .cfm page
> > with html and dynamic data with none of the HTML Doc tags, that I pull
> > in via AJAX and inject into a div. I use get jQuery.getScript( url,
> > callback ) to pull the supporting script in for the HTML I got from
> > the server.
> > I'de be interested in learning how your transferring variables between
> > functions.
> > Thanks
> > On Apr 2, 5:39 am, "Rick Faircloth" <> wrote:
> > > Hi, JMan...
> > > Did you get any answers to your questions?
> > > I've been working a lot with jQuery/ajax/ColdFusion
> > > lately.  It's all new to me and I've been learning a lot.
> > > Perhaps some of what I've learned may be of use to you.
> > > I haven't been injecting HTML into the DOM of the ajax
> > > calling page, but creating HTML to display ajax results.
> > > And I've also learned some about being able to transfer
> > > variables between functions.
> > > Does any of this sound like what you're looking for?
> > > Let me know.  I'll be glad to share some code samples
> > > with you.
> > > What's you backend language?
> > > Rick
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: [] On
> > > Behalf Of JMan
> > > Sent: Wednesday, April 01, 2009 1:40 PM
> > > To: jQuery (English)
> > > Subject: [jQuery] Managing scripts in AJAX applications
> > > One thing I have been struggling with is AJAX applications is managing
> > > the js code that powers them.
> > > For example if you have a page that loads content from an AJAX call to
> > > the server and that content also has js code associated with it in
> > > order to function how do I manage that code? If I have 20 pages that
> > > get loaded from the server via AJAX at one point or another I do not
> > > want to have one huge js file with a bunch of code for each page in
> > > it.
> > > I was wondering if it's better to embed the js for each page loaded
> > > via AJAX or call it separately? Normally when I need chunks of HTML &
> > > js, like a data grid for example; that get loaded in via AJAX call I
> > > do not have this called code in the traditional HTML doc, in other
> > > words the HTML being loaded has no HTML head, body etc.. it's just
> > > HTML generated by the server and injected into a section of the
> > > calling page. So in this situation should I load the script that is
> > > required by the HTML via the success callback?
> > > Another delima is communicating events and such between chunks of
> > > loaded HTML/js, like if I have a Tabs widget and an accordion on the
> > > same page and each have content loaded via AJAX and the content in tab
> > > 1 needs to bind and interact with events in a section of the accordion
> > > content loaded via AJAX.

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