You confuse the Silverlight project completely. It's not just a player.
It's really actually truly a server. Kind of like Flash Media Server but way
more advanced, they are 10 different leagues apart.  Check out which is an Adobe/Akamai project demonstrating
using Silverlight with Flash. I don't know who in their right mind would
even consider using Java for Video.  If you are going to do that, you might
as well download the HD video to your computer...  Silverlight is really a
server, it's capabilities include downgrading live streams based on your
bandwidth.  It's used by some of the biggest companies, and word around is
Hulu will soon switch to a Flash/Silverlight setup.

Example: If you are at 10MBPS when you first tap the video and then all of a
sudden you drop to 1MBPS bandwidth, it will downgrade the video, and upgrade
the video if you gain more available bandwidth, creating a constant smooth
stream.  Flash alone does not have this capability because it is downloading
the video just as if you were downloading it yourself.  Flash with
silverlight though, it gains this ability.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On
Behalf Of Thomas Creutz
Sent: Saturday, April 11, 2009 3:11 AM
Subject: [jQuery] Re: jQuery SL - jQuery Silverlight Plugin Feedback

Thomas Creutz schrieb:
> Jordon Bedwell schrieb:
>> I suggest you check out before you start 
>> dogging Silverlight.  Learn a little about things before you dogg them
> haha, its not possible, I use Linux ... and Moonlight is not the right 
> solution.

because: I have Moonlight installed and also cannot open the side - why ppl
not use java or flash? Its OFFICIAL supported on Win, Mac and Linux too.

Moonlight is not official, so u will have every time problems!


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