
I'm trying to use the innerfade script, and I'm not sure what's going
wrong - it seems so simple but it's still not working.  Here is a link
to the page:


Here is the call, which I've just stuck in the page head for now:

<script type="text/javascript">
                                                animationtype: 'fade',
                                                speed: 750,
                                                timeout: 2000,
                                                type: 'random',
                                                containerheight: '275px'


And here is the div I'm trying to turn into a slideshow, just a div
with a set of images inside:

<div class="slideshow2">
            <img src="images/contests/contests_slideshow_01.jpg"
alt="bikes on the bricks 2008" width="350" height="275" />
                        <img src="images/contests/contests_slideshow_02.jpg" 
alt="bikes on
the bricks 2008" width="350" height="275" />
            <img src="images/contests/contests_slideshow_03.jpg"
alt="bikes on the bricks 2008" width="350" height="275" />
            <img src="images/contests/contests_slideshow_04.jpg"
alt="bikes on the bricks 2008" width="350" height="275" />
            <img src="images/contests/contests_slideshow_05.jpg"
alt="bikes on the bricks 2008" width="350" height="275" />
            <img src="images/contests/contests_slideshow_06.jpg"
alt="bikes on the bricks 2008" width="350" height="275" />
            <img src="images/contests/contests_slideshow_07.jpg"
alt="bikes on the bricks 2008" width="350" height="275" />
            <img src="images/contests/contests_slideshow_08.jpg"
alt="bikes on the bricks 2008" width="350" height="275" />
            <img src="images/contests/contests_slideshow_09.jpg"
alt="bikes on the bricks 2008" width="350" height="275" />
            <img src="images/contests/contests_slideshow_10.jpg"
alt="bikes on the bricks 2008" width="350" height="275" />
            <img src="images/contests/contests_slideshow_11.jpg"
alt="bikes on the bricks 2008" width="350" height="275" />
            <img src="images/contests/contests_slideshow_12.jpg"
alt="bikes on the bricks 2008" width="350" height="275" />

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