Hi there -  I am using jqGrid with ASP.NET and while it has really
taken me quite some time to get this integration playing nicely, now
that I've finally got things moving, I am so pleased. But, I have four
things that I am still having some trouble with...

I have a table with some hidden fields...the key field is hidden and
named ("ID"). In order to get the field to send along with the rest of
the edit parameters, I had to show the field, but then it shows up as
editable on the form. When I set 'editable' to false, it no longer
exists on the field. More importantly, however, is that there is a
lower case "id" being sent along with the "oper" parameter. The "id"
field being passed is the row id in the table, not the key field. How
can I grab and pass the key field?

Since I have enabled editing, everytime I refresh my page, the "Add
record" Dialog Box always displays. How can I turn this off?

How can I style the checkbox column as well as the column with the
Plus sign icon indicating a sub grid? Both of these columns are much
wider than they need to be.

When I edit a record, the select lists are dynamically populated with
the correct values as per the colModel, but they are not the existing
values on the record. For example, if I am editing a record with a
field value of "ON", the edit form shows a select list with "OFF" and
"ON", but the selected value is "OFF"...rather than the value already
exisitng on the record. How can I correct this?

thanks so much for such a uber wonderful plug in!! :-)

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