Hi everyone,

I'm looking for an image slideshow using carousel thumbnails as well
as a spotlight for an enlarged version of the thumbnails. YUI has one
that *almost* does what I need (http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/
examples/carousel/csl_dynload2_clean.html), however it doesn't allow
for portrait or landscape thumbnails. Plus, I like jquery better! I've
done a lot of googling and have come up with nothing that is quite

I was just wondering if anyone has come across something like this for
jQuery that has:
--Ajax for loading the images
--support for portrait & landscape thumbnails (or just unrestrictive
enough so that I can use css to tweak it)
--multiple carousels on one page.

I tried to mashup the Cycle plugin and jCarousel, but got stuck when I
couldn't get the thumbnails to load dynamically.(ex:

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

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