thanks a bunch for your reply, and a thorough one as well

I've experimented with a similar technique that you suggest
where I had a template of xhtml and I thought I'll clone this and
add the content, sounds like an excellent plan to me, right?

one thing I kept running into was the the page going blank
when appending elements on the body, any ideas on this

but thanks, I'll go for one of the techniques described and
we'lll se how it ends up, I've got the whole script ready, just
need to get it to be able to open more than one instance


On 14 Apr, 17:49, roger <> wrote:
> Sounds like you need to create a function (or two) to manage the
> creation of the draggable window and fill it with content. Your
> function should either clone the markup from a hidden div on the page
> or create new dom elements with javascript. You would then select the
> container that you cloned or created, make it draggable and fill it
> with content.
> You could prepare some content from an ajax call and pass it into the
> function below:
> function makeDraggable(content) {
>    $('body').append('<div id="superDrag">\
>                                <a href="#" onclick="$(\'#superDrag
> \').remove()">close</a>\
>                                <div id="superDragContent">'+content+'</
> div>\
>                             </div>');
>    $('#superDrag').draggable();
> }
> It would probably be more versatile to use it as a class:
> function superDrag(content) {
>    $('body').append('<div id="superDrag">\
>                                <a id="superDragClose" href="#"
> onclick="$(\'#superDrag\').remove()">close</a>\
>                                <div id="superDragContent">'+content+'</
> div>\
>                             </div>');
>    $('#superDrag').draggable();
>    this.draggable = $('#superDrag').get(0);
>    this.draggableContent = $('#superDragContent').get(0);
>    var thisSuperDrag = this;
>    $('#superDragClose').click(function() {
>       thisSuperDrag.close();
>    });
> }
> superDrag.prototype.close = function() {
>    $(this.draggable).remove();
> }
> var newSuperDrag = new superDrag();
> There are many ways you could make this thing work. I found an
> interesting javascript templating plugin called jBind that makes it
> easy to pull markup from the dom and fill in variables. It's a lot
> nicer than concatenating strings, but a lot slower.
> On Apr 14, 4:43 am, hybris77 <> wrote:
> > hi, I'm trying to acchieve something for a few days now and I need som
> > guidence
> > I need to be able to open a draggabel div, that's no worry using the
> > jQuery UI plugin
> > what im not getting my head around is how to create multiple instances
> > of this window
> > with dynamic content but with a templade html structure that is filled
> > with data
> > from a database
> > i've tried to use "clone()" to have the template "saved" and hidden on
> > the page but
> > when using this everything fails to work at all
> > did anyone acchieve this?
> > I may be a little fuzzy about what my problem is, there's too much
> > code to be
> > posted here, what I need is a little support in my undertaking
> > /pär

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