
This is the version of jQuery.autocomplete I'm using...

 * Revision: $Id: jquery.autocomplete.js 5747 2008-06-25 18:30:55Z
joern.zaefferer $

I'm having a problem with autocomplete skipping GET calls. I have a
thread already open over at stack overflow (
) so I won't go into too much more detail...

Basically I'm monitoring the server side and as I type say 'arse' it
is receiving:


Notice how it is missing: http://localhost/dynamic_seach?q=ar

I have manually fed this to the server an it happily spits out the
correct result for 'ar' it just never gets called by autocomplete,
which implies to me something's getting cached somewhere and I think
I've eliminated everything but autocomplete. As I type it finds and
displays suggestions for 'ar' but without issuing a GET request to the
server so these suggestions are inaccurate :-( Interestingly it does
issue GETs for most other two letter combinations.

Here's my javascript.

    $(document).ready(function(){ $("#input_box").autocomplete('/
                                                              ); })

None of the other options like: matchContains=true, matchSubset=false
seem to make the blindest bit of difference. I wondered if flushCache
() might help but I'm not sure how to make sure that gets called
before autocomplete with every keystroke :-/ Is there a way to do
this, or a way to force autocomplete to hit my server up for some
fresh data every time?



I'll try and keep an eye on this group for answers but if you use
stackoverflow.com that would be even better, thanks! ;-)


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