I certainly hope you find this because it is *exactly* what a client of mine
is looking for
and I was hoping to avoid having to code this up from scratch!


On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 10:25 AM, Laker Netman <laker.net...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi.
> I am looking for a version of lightbox that would allow the user to
> click on a single reference image and when the "lightboxed" version
> appears a strip of thumbnails would be available at the top or bottom
> of that image. Thus, the user could navigate between images within the
> lightbox by clicking on a different thumbnail.
> If such beast exists a URL would appreciated. Extensive Googling
> hasn't turned up what I'm looking for at all.
> TIA,
> Laker

"It has been my experience that most bad government is the result of too
much government." - Thomas Jefferson

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