You could use $.getScript to load in the slow loading scripts. Any scripts
loaded this way will be non-blocking (asynchronous).
Brandon Aaron

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 2:13 PM, hedgomatic <> wrote:

> While virtually every site in existence trumpets using the jQuery DOM-
> ready shortcut as an absolute must, I've come across situations which
> I feel frustrate the user, particularly when using jQuery to create a
> navigational element.
> I often work on sites which are going to have a lot of external
> content (ads, feeds, analytics), and if even one of them is sluggish
> to load, none of my interactive elements are responsive for that time.
> There seem to be three options:
> 1] liveQuery (disadvantage: overhead)
> 2] popping a loading message over the whole page (disadvantage:
> ridiculous)
> 3] nesting an image inside the portion of the DOM we need, and using
> an onLoad event (disadvantage: poor semantics).
> Anyone else come across any novel ways around this seemingly under-
> discussed issue?

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