I have a form with a flexible number of field sets on my form. I think
it'll be easier to understand if you just fiddle around a bit here:


I want to make a handful of fields be required in each field set, but
only fields in visible field sets should be required. I have a
mechanism to check this; the toggler I created updates a hidden field
when a set is added or removed (there is one such counter field for
each expandable section, "Individual Members" and "Younger Members."

Should I simply add the "required" class to the appropriate inputs in
a field set when it's exposed, and remove them when hidden? Seems a
little hackish, but maybe that's the best way.

Also, if anybody has pointers for the script that's there, that would
be nice :^) One thing that I still have to do is make the field set
counts visible to the user, but that's more of a design question right


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