Thanks. I ended up using the classes add/remove style, and it works
well. However, a method that should be called on every page load is
not working properly. I am sure that it's being called (tested with
the console), but the removeValidators() method doesn't seem to work

On every page load, removeValidators will be called, which removes the
"required" and "email" validation classes found within the jQuery
object of the selector (first arg) if the caller's checkbox is
checked. The problem is if, for example, I fill out the first section
with its required fields, check the first box (which hides the bulk of
the form), choose "Check" for payment, and submit. If I go back, while
the hide/removeValidator method ("membersUnnecessary") is called and
does indicate that the checkbox is checked (the same sections are
hidden), I cannot re-submit the form: The validation classes are not

What can I do to fix this? I know that the code's a bit clumsy, but I
can explain any specific parts if needed.


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