Ever since I upgraded to the latest jQuery, anywhere I have slideUp or
slideDown now "shifts" the contents inside of the element that is
being revealed/hidden. It's as if the contents are tied to the center
of the expanding element. Say I have div with a paragraph inside. When
I click my toggle button to slideDown the hidden div, the paragraph
inside follows the center of the div and moves about half as far as
the bottom of the expanding div. Before, when I was using jQuery
1.2.6, the paragraph would remain in the same position the entire time
and the expanding div would basically reveal the paragraph, like
dropping a curtain. I know this has something to do with the newest
version of jQuery because my code has not changed and if I revert back
to 1.2.6, the issue is not there. Has anyone else experience this
problem and is there a fix?

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