Hi Bart,

Try the following.

In your page just have an empty body tag and a script tag in the head. In
the script tag, invoke blockUI and then use ajax to load the entire content
into the body (or any container of your choice, really). See the following

index.html (simplified)

<script type="text/javascript">
    $.blockUI({message: "Loading..."});
    $("body").load("contenttoload.html", function()
<body id="loadwithcontent">
<!-- empty body -->

contenttoload.html (simplified)

<div id="mycontent">

I hope this helps. The idea is to reduce the content-length of index.html so
that the blockUI function is invoked almost as soon as the minimal html
loads. Then the real content of your page can just be loaded into the body
via an AJAX call. And then at the end, just unblock the UI.

Do let me know if this works for you.



On Fri, May 8, 2009 at 9:10 PM, Ronen42 <ba...@gmx.net> wrote:

> Hi Anand,
> the thing is, I have to block the screen while loading the page to
> prevent any user interaction untill the page ist completely loaded.
> This is working in all browsers but not in IE8.
> My solution right now is to set IE8 to IE7 render mode with the meta
> tag:
> <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=7" />
> Greets,
>        Bart
> >

Anand Kulkarni
New Zealand
Mob: +64-21-2566 369

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