you must have a huge monitor....horizontal scrolling is a big no no.

I too have had issues with .load() will not run scripts that are
dynamically loaded into the DOM...i've seen a few things out there
talking about combatting this issue most of which include searching
the loaded content for <script> tags then telling them to
execute...I'm still at a loss for what is the best way to pull in
content. I'm starting to think it is via the $.ajax() method to return
json and format it for the dom on the way in.

On May 8, 12:11 pm, surreal5335 <> wrote:
> I have a piece of code which has worked great in the past on this very
> site, but for some reason now, has stopped working. I put in
> the .ready function to try and fix it bc I understand that is a
> crucial peice of syntax for jquery.
> Still the code does not work. Everything in this code is not being
> executed, its like the code is being ignored.
> [CODE]
> <script type="text/javascript">
> <!-- we run in the footer so no need to use onload -->
> $(document).ready(function(){
>  $('#zoe img').load(function() {
>         $("#graphic").hide();
>         $("#illustration").hide();
>         $("#photography").hide();
>         $("").hide();
>         $("span.form").hide();
>         $("").hide();
>         $("img.gradualshine").hide();
>         $("#zoe").slideDown(3000, function(){
>         $("span#options").slideDown(1000);
>         $("img#photo").slideDown(1000);
>         $("img#illus").slideDown(1000);
>         $("img#grphc").slideDown(1000);
>       });
>     });
>   });
> </script>
> [/CODE]
> If you would like details on the rest of the code, it can be found at:
> Thanks a lot for all your help

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