Hi Charlie,

I guess the next question is what happens if there are li items within
the div?

Superfish does not display the grand child menu items when hovering
over the parent.


      <ul id="menu">
        <li id="5" class="item5">
            <a href="/index.php?option=..."><span>Parent1</span></a>
        <li id="2" class="mega">
           <a href="/index.php?option=..."><span>Parent2</span></a>
                <div id="test" class="test">
                    <li id="3" class="test">
                        <a href="/index.php?option=..."><span>Child1</
                            <li id="6" class="test">
                                <a href="/index.php?

I mean, how do I display the child and grand child when a user hovers
over a top level parent menu item?

Thanks mate (and thank you for your patience :)),

On May 26, 8:20 pm, Charlie <charlie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> simple recipe for multi column subs withsuperfish
> put div into 2nd level <li>. Put whatever you want inside this div, images, 
> multiple divs, heading tags etc. Style divs any way you need
> use supersubs.js to adjust widths if not all sub menu's are same width
> Hetneo wrote:Hi Mohammad, You're exactly right. That's is the functionality 
> of thesuperfishextension for Joomla. I found this tutorial very 
> helpful:http://www.sitepoint.com/blogs/2009/03/31/make-a-mega-drop-down-menu-with-jquery/In
>  this case 
> however,superfish(http://users.tpg.com.au/j_birch/plugins/superfish/) is far 
> advanced than that tutorial and I am looking to extend the functionality of 
> the tutorial intosuperfish. Say for example you have three levels of menu 
> menu-level-1, menu- level-2, menu-level-3. When you hover over menu-level-1, 
> I wantsuperfishto display both menu-level-2 and menu-level-3 levels for all 
> menu items on levels two and three. I had hoped someone had achived this to 
> save me some time :). Any ideas? Many thanks, Charles On May 26, 5:16 pm, 
> "Mohd.Tareq"<tareq.m...@gmail.com>wrote:Hi Hetneo, Its easy to get that kind 
> of menu using javascript / jquery code. See they have written plugin based on 
> ul & li. Now here is a solution like Ischa I guess ;) Step : 1 - Create Main 
> menu div      menu1,menu2,menu3,etc 2 - Create another menu below each menu 
> div [menu1 -> sub-menu1] 3 - Use 'hover' function of jquery or 'onmouseover / 
> onmouseout' of javascript 3 - Within 'hover' or 'onmouseover/onmouseout' 
> function you need to hide / unhide your divs 4 - Use any function like 
> fadeIn,fadeOut,slideUp,slideUp to toggle your menu.                           
>                    Or you can do it via css like twitter people did. cheers, 
> On Tue, May 26, 2009 at 12:15 PM, Ischa 
> Gast<cont...@ischagast.nl>wrote:That's great news. Would be interested to see 
> the final product.Are there any hints you can give me or point me to a file I 
> can be focusing my attention to achive this?It's a custom made script where 
> you can choose what child you want to target, somethingsuperfishdoesn't have 
> but would be very welcome.---| Regard |--- Mohammad.Tareque

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