On May 26, 12:21 pm, Ricardo <ricardob...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 1. Do you get errors if you remove the last 2 spry scripts?
> 2. Regardless of which script does what, you should put the $().ready
> ( always after all the scripts as a safety measure, there's no
> negative impact.
> 3. If I remember a recent discussion, you shouldn't use the vsdoc
> version of jQuery, it's only for the VS auto-complete. Load the normal
> one fromhttp://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js

Hi Ricardo,

I have changed my jQuery file and placed the ready function beneath
all of my other <script> tags, but the problem persists.  Luckily,
however, while checking the results of these changes I accidentally
learned how to use Firebug efficiently and discovered and removed one
of the errors.  Unfortunately, another error arose that I am finding
difficult to explain.

The error varies from browser to browser, as one might expect, as the
purpose of the code is to retrieve browser information and respond
with different information for each.  Fortunately, all of the errors
point to the same source file indicating a recurring pattern -- the
syntax or description of my overprompt( ) functions.  There are five
such functions and they all reside in the following JavaScript file:

These functions are a combination of code that I found on the
jQ_Impromptu plug-in webpage and my own creation.  What is mine in the
following example is the name of the function, the variable errorMSG,
the function assigned to this variable -- namely, loadErrorMessages
( ), and the property assigned to the object created by the
loadErrorMessages( ) -- namely, ipvb_approval.  The loadErrorMessages
( ) function is defined in 

I suspect that the problem lies in my own code.  Nevertherless, I am
also suspicious of the author's specification of the $.prompt( )
method which is described in 
at the very top of the document.  I do not understand the $.function
( ) syntax.  Is this shorthand for $( ).function( )?

function = overprompt3() {
        var errorMSG = loadErrorMessages();
        var temp = {
                state0: {
                        buttons: {Continue: true},
                        focus: 1,
                                if(v) {
                                return true;
                                return false;

I look forward to your further assistance, as I recognize in you a
certain competence not shared by everyone.


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