Hey, thanks a lot for the replies guys.

Eric, I tried what you suggested, but I was getting javascript syntax
errors reported.

So, rather than:

    $.displayMessage(){ alert('hello world') } // throws js syntax


I had to do:

    $.displayMessage = function(){ alert('testing') }; // works fine


I really appreciate you pointing me in the right direction on that.
With that said, I'm guessing you can't "directly" declare a function
in the jQuery namespace like I tried to do in the first example, and
instead you have to assign a function to a variable handle in the
jQuery namespace instead, as in the second example?

Waseem, as far as the suggestion on writing my own plugin, I was
considering that approach as well, and I may end up going that route.
The funny thing is, the actual method I'm trying to call is already a
call off a plugin, so essentially I would be writing a plugin to
reference another plugin.  Do any gotchas come to mind doing things
that way, or would that be considered a fairly common practice?

Thanks again for your thoughts,

Thanks a lot!

On May 29, 3:54 pm, waseem sabjee <waseemsab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> The easiest way would be to develop your own jquery plugins as plugins are
> able to reference each other even in different files.
> like i have a plugin that allows me to slide left and right.
> then i have a plugin to expand and contract.
> i can call either one in either plugin file.
> On Fri, May 29, 2009 at 8:07 PM, Eric Garside <gars...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > It's a simple scoping problem. Anything you create inside an anonymous
> > function will be accessible only within the function. If you need
> > something to be accessible between the anon. functions, simply move it
> > into a higher scope, like the global namespace (eh, not idea) or the
> > jQuery namespace (better idea).
> > $(function(){
> >     $.displayMessage(){ alert('hello world') }
> > });
> > $(function(){
> >    $.displayMessage();
> > });
> > On May 29, 12:18 pm, Brian FitzGerald <fitzgeraldme...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> > > I know that you can have more than on document ready event without
> > > difficulty. i.e.
> > > $(function(){
> > >   // document ready 1
> > > });
> > > $(function(){
> > >   // document ready 2
> > > });
> > > The question I have is, is there any way for them to call functions
> > > from one to the other?  The following does not work:
> > > $(function(){
> > >    function displayMessage(){ alert('hello world'); };
> > > });
> > > $(function(){
> > >   displayMessage();
> > > });
> > > This invokes a js error complaining that displayMessage() is not
> > > defined.
> > > Thanks in advance for any thoughts,
> > > Brian

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