That's funny, I know a Don Morgan. Are you he?

One thing I discovered about IE, is that it is very picky about
javascript referencing and function calls. If they are in the wrong
order, it will choke. One thing that helped me was to turn on script
debugging in the Internet Preferences, then IE will tell you why it is
having a problem (if the problem is in the javascript).

About drop down positioning: In CSS you should be able to make a new
class for the containing UL, then position the special case UL class
from right and top, instead of from Left and top.

On May 15, 9:45 pm, Donald Morgan <> wrote:
> Hello:
> I can't get a second row of superfish menu to display correctly in IE.  In
> IE the top menu displays underneath the second menu, even after fiddling
> with div z-indexes and .supefish.css.  I also tried creating a seperate css
> file for the second menu, but renaming the classes to say, .sf-gray, does
> not work in IE again.
> Also, can I adjust the drop downs so the long side is to the left, for when
> the menu div is set to the right:0px   so it doesn't add a horizontall
> scrollbar to the browser?
> Thanks

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