My page basically puts in a few YouTube videos on my page

<object class="YTV" ...><param ...></param><param ...></param><embed
height="" width=""...></embed></object>
<object class="YTV" ...><param ...></param><param ...></param><embed
height="" width=""...></embed></object>
<object class="YTV" ...><param ...></param><param ...></param><embed
height="" width=""...></embed></object>

In my document ready function I do the following

$("object.YTV > *").bind('click', function(e){

  alert( $(this).html() );  /* this show the HTML code within the
OBJECT tag */

  var emb1 = $(this).contains("embed").html();
  var emb2 = $("embed", this).html();

  alert( emb1 );
  alert( emb2 );


My end goal is to change the width and height of the <EMBED ...> tag
like they do on FaceBook where when you click on a video, the video
display gets bigger.

Since there are a few of these objects on the page. How in my bind
(click) code do I figure out and update the EMBED tag that is
contained within the OBJECT tag.

If I set the EMBED tag with a unique ID= I can update it, but for the
life of me I'm missing how to parse out the inter HTML code that is
within the OBJECT tag that I can see in my $(this).html() ?


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