Actually I finally got it to work using, the part I was missing was I
had to pass in 'this' witht he search otherwise - I'm guessing here -
it was using the document instead of just the section I wanted it to
search.  This gives me the feature that FaceBook has of making the
imbed videos bigger when clicked on. YAY

Gustavo, I couldn't get the CSS working since the width and height
were part of the tag and not the style= section


        $("object.YTV").unbind( 'click' );
        $("object.YTV").bind('click', function(e){

                $(this).attr("height", "312");
                $(this).attr("width", "384");

                $("embed", this).attr("height", 312);
                $("embed", this).attr("width", 384);

                $(this).unbind( 'click' );



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