
I am new to jQuery; I am trying to write a script that looks for empty
fields in a table, and if it finds them to remove the empty <div>
elements. The following script works fine on Firefox, but not on IE.

What is the problem? any advise for getting this to work?

    var fieldName = "#orgPerson0";
        content = jQuery.trim($(fieldName + " :eq(3)").text());
        if (content == "")
                console.log("0. Content is empty");
                $(fieldName + " :eq(1)").empty();
                $(fieldName + " :eq(2)").empty();
                $(fieldName + " :eq(3)").empty();
         console.log("0. Not empty: " + content);

... And a snippet of the XHTML on which the script works:

<div id="orgPerson0">
<div id="orgPersonTxt" style="width: 95px; float: left;">Person:
<div id="orgPersonVal0" style="position: relative; left: 0px; width:

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