To be honest i have not used prototype  before.
i'm not sure what post body does.

On Sat, Jun 6, 2009 at 3:22 AM, Dan Cochran <> wrote:

> Thanks for the responses. I did realize after I posted that I hadn't
> converted the css changes yet...
> What about postBody? What is it?
> On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 5:59 PM, waseem sabjee <>wrote:
>> $("#myelement").css({ position:"absolute" })
>> thats how you set css in jquery
>> On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 11:55 PM, waseem sabjee <>wrote:
>>> heres something cool
>>> in your index.php have an empty div
>>> <div id="target">
>>> </div>
>>> now create a different file new.php
>>> in this file have the following
>>> <span id="MessageOne">Message One</span>
>>> <div id="test">
>>> just testing
>>> </div>
>>> in your index.php have the following jquery
>>> $(function() {
>>> $.ajax({
>>> url:"new.php",
>>> success: function(html) {
>>> var messageOne = $(#MessageOne", html);
>>> var test = $("#test", html);
>>> alert(messageOne);
>>> alert(test);
>>> }
>>> });
>>> });
>>> you can extract specific nodes from other files
>>> On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 11:47 PM, waseem sabjee 
>>> <>wrote:
>>>> $.ajax({
>>>> url : "data.php", // target URL
>>>> type: "GET", // get  or post
>>>> success: function(html) { // html or data on success
>>>> alert(html):
>>>> }
>>>> });
>>>> On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 9:31 PM, deex <> wrote:
>>>>> Hey all...
>>>>> I am doing a conversion of prototype to jquery and am stuck on a
>>>>> script... I can't figure out how to define certain fields.
>>>>> Here's the prototype call:
>>>>> new Ajax.Request(url,
>>>>>          {
>>>>>            method:'post',
>>>>>                        postBody: 'media_id='+media_id,
>>>>>            onSuccess: trigger,
>>>>>                        onComplete: function()
>>>>>                                {
>>>>>                                leftPos =
>>>>> Position.positionedOffset($('doc'))[0];
>>>>>                                if (window.pageYOffset)
>>>>>                                ScrollTop = window.pageYOffset;
>>>>>                                else
>>>>>                                ScrollTop =
>>>>> (document.body.parentElement) ?
>>>>> document.body.parentElement.scrollTop : 0;
>>>>>                                $('fade').setStyle({height:
>>>>> $('doc').getHeight()+'px'});
>>>>>                                $('popup').setStyle({left:
>>>>> (leftPos+138)+'px'});
>>>>>                                $('popup').setStyle({top:
>>>>> (ScrollTop+50)+'px'});
>>>>>                                }
>>>>>          });
>>>>> I've attempted to convert and got this far...
>>>>> jQuery.ajax({type: "POST",
>>>>>                    url: url,
>>>>>                    data: 'media_id='+media_id,
>>>>>                    success: trigger,
>>>>>                    complete: function() {
>>>>>                     leftPos = Position.positionedOffset(jQuery('#doc'))
>>>>> [0];
>>>>>                     if (window.pageYOffset)
>>>>>                                ScrollTop = window.pageYOffset;
>>>>>                     else
>>>>>                                ScrollTop =
>>>>> (document.body.parentElement) ?
>>>>> document.body.parentElement.scrollTop : 0;
>>>>>                                jQuery('#fade').setStyle({height:
>>>>> jQuery('#doc').height
>>>>> ()+'px'});
>>>>>                                jQuery('#popup').setStyle({left:
>>>>> (leftPos+138)+'px'});
>>>>>                                jQuery('#popup').setStyle({top:
>>>>> (ScrollTop+50)+'px'});}
>>>>>                    });
>>>>> To make things worse, there's a check in there to see if you're logged
>>>>> in and if not calls the following:
>>>>> new Ajax.Request('/profile/signin?noredirect=1',
>>>>>          {
>>>>>            method:'post',
>>>>>            postBody: Form.serialize($('signin_form_popup')),
>>>>>            onSuccess: callback
>>>>>          });
>>>>> which I've attempted to convert to :
>>>>> jQuery.ajax({type:'POST',
>>>>>                    url: '/profile/signin?noredirect=1',
>>>>>                    postBody: Form.serialize(jQuery
>>>>> ('#signin_form_popup')),
>>>>>                    success: callback});
>>>>> I think it's all working but am not sure...I have no idea what to do
>>>>> with the "postBody" parameter...what is it's equivalent in jquery.
>>>>> Any help would be greatly appreciated.
>>>>> Thanks

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