try to use object like this:

var myObject={};
var count=10;

for(var i=0;i<count;i++)
  myObject['value_at_'+i.toString()]="value at "+i.toString();

assign value like
var index=5;
myObject['value_at_'+index.toString()]=" this is value at 5";

alert(myObject['value_at_5']); //display "this is value at 5"

~N a R e N

On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 8:14 PM, waseem sabjee <>wrote:

> sorry i had a syntax error
> heres the code
> see just declare an array
> declare the maximum number you  want
> then loop through them one by one asigning a number to each one :)
> var myVar = new Array(); // declare array
> var myvarcount = 10; // maximum vars
> for(var i = 0; i < myvarcount; i++) { // simple for loop
> myVar[i] = "I am number : " + i; // assign values to each one in the loop
> }
> alert(myVar[6]); // this will alert the sixth value
> alert(myVar[0]); // also note an array can start from 0
> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 4:42 PM, waseem sabjee <>wrote:
>> Why not use an array ?
>> var myVar = new Array();
>> var myvarcount = 10;
>> for(int i = 0; i < myvarcount; i++) {
>> myVar[i] = "I am number : " + i;
>> }
>> On Tue, Jun 9, 2009 at 4:35 PM, simon <> wrote:
>>> I have some simple variables
>>> $.myvariable1
>>> $.myvariable3
>>> $.myvariable2
>>> now I would like to add the number part of the variable to it
>>> dynamically.
>>> var i=1
>>> $.myvariable+i
>>> and so on, whats the way I could do this, i have tried several  like
>>> $.myvariable[i] etc but nothing
>>> Si

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