thanks Paul,
   i knew that rule, but didn't realize that was the issue.  i just
switched to using classes, and its all good now.

appreciate it,

On Jun 9, 3:46 am, Paul Mills <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Your HTML is not valid. IDs must be unique - you have used #txtSpin
> and #color twice.
> Try renaming the first input box as id="txtSpin1" and the second as
> id="txtSpin2"
> Your JavaScript code then becomes much simpler:
> $('#txtSpin1').SpinButton({min:1});
> $('#txtSpin2').SpinButton({min:1});
> or if you always want both spin boxes initialised the same then this
> can be shortened to:
> $('#txtSpin1, #txtSpin2').SpinButton({min:1});
> The same applies to the spans - rename the first id='color1' and the
> second id='color2'.
> Rgds Paul
> On Jun 9, 7:57 am, skunkwerk <> wrote:
> > hi,
> >    i've been having an issue with the jPicker and jquerySpinButton
> > plugins.  if i apply each plugin to one instance (say, a span) they
> > work fine.  however, the next time I do the call, the elements are not
> > modified by the plugin.
> > on the demo page, there should be two spin boxes, and two color
> > selectors.  only the top 2 work, the bottom 2 are deformed.
> > code is here:
> > any suggestions?
> > much obliged,
> > imran

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