Maybe $(this).attr('class') != 'Value' ?

Sorry, what I meant was that maybe $(this).attr('class') does not equal "Value".

And that I wouldn't use $(this).attr('class') ...


On Jun 13, 2009, at 8:53 PM, Karl Swedberg wrote:

Maybe $(this).attr('class') != 'Value' ?

I wouldn't bother using $(this).attr('class') anyway. Instead, try this.className

And make sure that the class is, in fact, "Value".


Karl Swedberg

On Jun 12, 2009, at 9:22 AM, rinse_my_phonebook wrote:

                        var t = 'input.ffControl[value="Add a Value"]:first';
                        var s = 'input.ffControl[value="Add a 
                        if(s == t) { alert(s); }

Hi there, Can anyone help me understand why changing the fourth line
of the above snippet to

                        $(s, this).val('gotcha')

does not have the effect that the orignal line has when the alert on
line 3 always shows?

Many thanks in advance for any effort, I appreciate it,


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