Announcing jQuery Fundamentals, a two-day class at Carrboro Creative
Coworking in Carrboro, NC (July 29-30) that will give you the
knowledge you need to properly and effectively start integrating
jQuery, the popular JavaScript library, into your web development
projects. Over the course of two days, you’ll learn the fundamental
concepts of JavaScript and jQuery and tackle real-world exercises to
solidify your understanding of the language and the library.

jQuery is so easy to learn that it’s possible to skip over the
fundamentals of JavaScript. With that in mind, we’ll start the class
with a high-level overview of key JavaScript principles, including
concepts like logic, objects, variable scope, and closures. From
there, we’ll move on to a thorough overview of the jQuery library—
selecting, traversing, manipulating, effects, events, XHR (Ajax), and
plugins. Throughout the class, we’ll focus on best practices for
writing and organizing jQuery code for easy reuse and refactoring.
Participants will leave the class as upstanding members of the jQuery
community, armed with a solid understanding of the concepts of both
JavaScript and jQuery, and ready to start leveraging the library in
their projects.

This class is aimed at beginning jQuery users, although intermediate
users may also benefit from the more formalized introduction to the
library this class will offer.

If you have any questions about the class, drop me an email at, and I hope to see you there!

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