I have a bit of code that seems to work perfectly in FF and Safari,
but causes some strange things to happen in IE.

here is the code:
$('a.movedown').click(function(event) {
        var href = $(this).attr('href');
        var $thisRow = $(this).parents('tr:first');
        var $thisTable = $('#main_table');
        var $rows = $('#main_table tr');

        $thisRow.next().insertBefore( $thisRow.prev());

        $rows.find('.moveup, .movedown').show();


        return false;

This is switching a table row with a row beneath it (I have a row with
an hr tag in between).

If FF and Safari, this code works as expected. In IE it cause a large
amount of white space to appear above where the table originally was,
and puts the table at the bottom of this white space. It switches the
row, but only after putting in the space. After the first time, it
works as expected.

Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

if you need to see it in action, let me know. I'll send a url and


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