
Good to know it worked. The <noscript> tag cannot be contained in an
h4: http://www.zvon.org/xxl/xhtmlReference/Output/Strict/el_noscript.html

On Jun 20, 11:15 pm, Paul Witschger <tigerseyet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> My apologies on the multiple threads. It just seemed that it got lost in
> the shuffle.
> OK, I fixed many of the errors from validator. Only one remains. Doing
> so seems to have fixed my IE issue (at least IE7).
> Here's the error that remains:
> [error]
> document type does not allow element "noscript" here; missing one of
> "object", "ins", "del", "map", "button" start-tag
> [/error]
> What can I use if not "noscript" tag? I'm using it to hide my email
> address from plain view.
> Thanks,
> Paul
> Ricardo wrote:
> > Hi Paul,
> > Please avoid creating many threads on the same (or related) issues.
> > This is the third on this subject that I can remember! For those who
> > haven't seen it, last one is at
> >http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/30d3e93...
> > It looks like your pages are triggering quirks mode on IE. I don't
> > have the time to pinpoint the issue, but try assigning float:left to
> > #main_inner, for some reason it seems to be "escaping" the outer div.
> > Otherwise, take the time validate your mark-up, it will avoid many
> > scripting and layout bugs:http://validator.w3.org/
> > On Jun 20, 8:46 pm, theprodigy <tigerseyet...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> I have a bit of code that seems to work perfectly in FF and Safari,
> >> but causes some strange things to happen in IE.
> >> here is the code:
> >> [code]
> >> $('a.movedown').click(function(event) {
> >>         var href = $(this).attr('href');
> >>         $.get(href);
> >>         var $thisRow = $(this).parents('tr:first');
> >>         var $thisTable = $('#main_table');
> >>         var $rows = $('#main_table tr');
> >>         $thisRow.insertBefore($thisRow.next().next());
> >>         $thisRow.next().insertBefore( $thisRow.prev());
> >>         $rows.find('.moveup, .movedown').show();
> >>         $thisTable.find("tr:nth-child(2)").find(".moveup").hide();
> >>         $thisTable.find("tr:last").prev().find(".movedown").hide();
> >>         return false;});
> >> [/code]
> >> This is switching a table row with a row beneath it (I have a row with
> >> an hr tag in between).
> >> If FF and Safari, this code works as expected. In IE it cause a large
> >> amount of white space to appear above where the table originally was,
> >> and puts the table at the bottom of this white space. It switches the
> >> row, but only after putting in the space. After the first time, it
> >> works as expected.
> >> Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
> >> if you need to see it in action, let me know. I'll send a url and
> >> instructions
> >> Thanks

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