
I'm using jquery-ui 1.6 custom build with jquery 1.2.6 trying to
set up a dialog window. Unfortunately I can't update to 1.3.2 since this
would trigger some unexpected XHR-related bugs like the following:

Exception ``TypeError: M.xhr is not a function'' thrown from function
anonymous(M=Object:{12}) in

So I'm sticking with the 1.2.6 build, which works fine despite a
minor/not-critical XHR issue:

Exception ``TypeError: s.accepts is undefined'' thrown from function
anonymous(s=Object:{12}) in

Notice that this error is reported in FireBug/Venkman, however Firefox
doesn't seem to care and let the XMLHTTPRequest to execute successfully.

The code for the dialog window is given below. I don't seem to
understand why posted data cannot be shown on the dialog box twice.

Moreover, it will display it as I want on the first $.post request but
any additional requests triggered with a click event don't show any
updated data on the dialog box. Venkman reports that the anonymous
callback function manages to obtain the updated data, but still nothing
get shown on the dialog, just an empty div... ;-)

Any help or advices for debugging this issue?

Best regards,

This is the script that gets evaluated by jQuery (using $.get(...)). A
json object is returned by the server either containing form validation
errors or a result object that contains simple strings.

<script type="text/javascript">

$('#'+'formControlBtn').bind('click', function(){
    //send the form with a ajax request. on success,
    //return a "comment" preview.
    var formData = $('#'+'commentform').serialize();

    //one-liner to remove old error messages before posting a new comment

    $.post('comment', formData, function(json) {
        var result = json.errordict || json.comment;

        if (result == json.comment) {
            // Look for the comment preview..
            // Display a pop-up window (dialog) with the comment preview
            // in HTML. By clicking on "OK" or "Save" the user has no more
            // undo chances and the comment will be made.
            var commentHTMLDialog = $('<div id="commentDialog"
class="ui-dialog ui-widget ui-content"><\/div>');

            // Set a title
            $(commentHTMLDialog).attr('title', 'Preview comment');

            // Setup default dialog constructor options
                autoOpen: true,
                bgiframe: false, // must keep this for IE6? default =
'dont care'
                width: 500,
                modal: true,     // prevent reposting while the dialog
is enabled
                dialogClass: 'generic',
                height: 400,
                overlay: {
                    backgroundColor: '#000',
                    opacity: 0.5
                buttons: {
                    "It's all good, add my comment please." : function() {
                     Cancel: function() {
                open: function() {
                    // Constructor to define what to do when opening
                    // the dialog widget
                    var commentHTMLBody = $("<ul
                    for (var x in result) {
                        // create the "template" on the fly

                } //open

                return false;
                //$('#'+'commentForm').html('Thanks for your input!');
        } else {
            // found some validation errors
            for (var x in result) {
                $('<p class="error">'+'<b>'+x+':
    }, "json");
    return false;

Etienne Robillard <robillard.etie...@gmail.com>
Green Tea Hackers Club <http://gthc.org/>
Blog: <http://gthc.org/blog/>
PGP Fingerprint: AED6 B33B B41D 5F4F A92A  2B71 874C FB27 F3A9 BDCC

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