'current-cat-parent' isn't a class used in original superfish .

Is this a CMS installation(joomla or other?)

You either have a modified version, or this class comes from your template. Sounds like you have other css and/or scripts affecting menu.

No way to tell without link or code 

Roberto da Costa wrote:

I'm in trouble implementing superfish in a website project. My problem
is: I have a category based menu item that has two sub-levels set to
display horizontally. I hover the first menu item and the first sub-
level shows. Then I click the first sub-level and both it and its
parent-item get highlighted and stay visible. Then I do the same to
the sub-level below these but it doesn't work. This second sub-level
gets the right class ('current') but the first level loses its
'current-cat-parent sfHover sf-breadcrumb' classes causing all levels
to disappear.
Can someone help me please?


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