this sort of thing happens all the time in Joomla, not so sure about how often in Wordpress

in Joomla it's usually left over css from template menu that causes the problem
there is likely some css( possibly script??) affecting some of the template classes that aren't part of superfish css or markup

if there are any hover instances in the css for these classes they could be over riding the superfish classes

would have to see page to narrow it down but sounds like you may understand what to look for, if not post a link. Script and markup is pretty standard and won't really help

Roberto da Costa wrote:
Hi Charlie,

You're right. I'm working on a wordpress theme. 'current-cat-parent'
is a class created by WP. So here is a part of the code generated:


sf.c = {
		bcClass     : 'sf-breadcrumb',
		menuClass   : 'sf-js-enabled',
		anchorClass : 'sf-with-ul',
		arrowClass  : 'sf-sub-indicator',
		shadowClass : 'sf-shadow'
	sf.defaults = {
		hoverClass	: 'sfHover',
		pathClass	: 'current',
		pathLevels	: 2,
		delay		: 100,
		animation	: {opacity:'show'},
		speed		: 'normal',
		autoArrows	: false,
		dropShadows : false,
		disableHI	: true,		// true disables hoverIntent detection
		onInit		: function(){}, // callback functions
		onBeforeShow: function(){},
		onShow		: function(){},
		onHide		: function(){}

menu source:

<ul class="sf-menu sf-navbar">
           <li class="cat-item cat-item-20"><a href="" title="">serviços</a>  // THIS ITEM LOSES
                 <ul class='children'>
                       <li class="cat-item cat-item-6"><a href="" title="">feiras comerciais</a></
                       <li class="cat-item cat-item-5 current-cat-
parent sfHover sf-breadcrumb"><a href="" title="">eventos comerciais</a>  // ... THIS ITEM
AND ...
                            <ul class='children'>
                                    <li class="cat-item cat-
item-21"><a href="" title="">lançamento de produtos</a></li>
                                    <li class="cat-item cat-item-11
current-cat current sfHover sf-breadcrumb"><a href="" title="">eventos
de relacionamento</a></li> ... THIS ITEM TO DISAPPEAR.

I've tried changing pathLevels to 1, 2, 3 to no avail. I think it's
something in the core of superfish.js. What intrigues me is that
clicking the first sub-level does exactly what I need. It's only when
I click the second one that it messes it up. Could a parameter be
changed in superfish.js to allow this second sub-level to remain
Thank you in advance for your help.

On Jun 23, 9:34 pm, Charlie <> wrote:
'current-cat-parent' isn't a class used in originalsuperfish. Is this a CMS installation(joomla or other?) You either have a modified version, or this class comes from your template. Sounds like you have other css and/or scripts affecting menu. No way to tell without link or code
Roberto da Costa wrote:Hi, I'm in trouble implementingsuperfishin a website project. My problem is: I have a category based menu item that has two sub-levels set to display horizontally. I hover the first menu item and the first sub- level shows. Then I click the first sub-level and both it and its parent-item get highlighted and stay visible. Then I do the same to the sub-level below these but it doesn't work. This second sub-level gets the right class ('current') but the first level loses its 'current-cat-parent sfHover sf-breadcrumb' classes causing all levels to disappear. Can someone help me please?


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