since you are learning....

rather then click you will want to use toggle on the one state you
will move right, on the other left

probablye easiest tot ake your animate code and create 2 function one
for going left and on for right and fire those using toggle

On Jun 25, 11:36 am, meoluoibieng <> wrote:
> Dear all, I'm a newbie , glad to know you, i have read the tutorial
> about Animate Left Margin (
> The code:
> [
>    1.
>       $(document).ready(function() {
>    2.
>         $('#slidemarginleft button').click(function() {
>    3.
>           var $marginLefty = $(this).next();
>    4.
>           $marginLefty.animate({
>    5.
>             marginLeft: parseInt($marginLefty.css('marginLeft'),10) ==
> 0 ?
>    6.
>               $marginLefty.outerWidth() :
>    7.
>               0
>    8.
>           });
>    9.
>         });
>   10.
>       });
> ]
> Every thing go well but i want to click the button again, and the
> frame return to the position before ( so it slide from right, and i
> want to click the button again and it slide to left to right), my
> problem is after slide left to right , the button not work, please
> help me solve this problem, sorry because English is not the main
> language of me, thanks all;

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