there's a lot of variable interpretations of your concept ( at least in my mind). First one is define scroll- scripted scroller vs manual scrollbar?

one big variable that comes to mind is how to determine "middle of list"? If list size is consistent it's obviously easier to suggest solution than if you have to iterate through a list testting dates with script to find a range that is current timeframe to display

if they were all consistent length, say 15 dates each, and could be split 3 ways then would be very easy to create an unordered list script with top and bottom thirds hidden with a "see the past" and "future" button, or find the overall height and animate the list to show in the middle or.........

might be good idea to make some sort of mock up, or present a link to effect you are trying to replicate. You would probably get a lot more creative input that way, and avoid a lot of misinterpretation of your concept

the more details you provide the better. 

Steve Hueners wrote:
I've seen this effect in Flash and am hoping to produce it in jQuery
(that ought to get the juices flowing)...

I have a list of events ordered by date. I want the accordion to
display the event's name and when clicked, open to reveal event
details. Viewers will usually be interested in 'middle of the list'
events but may wish to scroll (up) into the past or (down) into the




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