I have the following within a plug in that i am trying to create.

Now all works well but i thought that th enext stage to take my plug
in would be to let me set the varaibels when I call the plug in.

i have th efollowing say:

                           var $listContainer = $
                $container = $('div.calendarContainer'),
                Speed =5,
                heigthOful = $container.find('div.listContainer ul').height(),
                Time = parseInt(heigthOful)*Speed;

No wi have tried to put these in a casing to be able to change etc but
no luck as below:

 var settings = {
                               $listContainer : $
                $container :  $('div.calendarContainer'),
                Speed : 5,
                mouseWheel : true,
                heigthOful : $container.find('div.listContainer ul').height(),
                Time : parseInt(heigthOful)*Speed

but then when i run my plugin it fails and start to give me error
messag its say tha the

heigthOful : $container.find('div.listContainer ul').height(),

$container is undefined

if you could help withthis or give me a good tut on thsi would be

cheers si

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