For example is carousel.has a jQuery function or a carousel function.
I can't distinguish between what is carousel exposed and what's just
being called from the jQuery library when looking at the source or
other people's examples such as

so back to my original question.  Anyone have a clue how to disable or
enable the next button manually here?

On Jul 2, 8:45 am, expresso <> wrote:
> so I tried this and added this to my mycarousel_itemLoadCallback
> function (I looked at the JCarousel source code and thought maybe this
> would work):
> this.buttonNext[0].jcarouselstate = 'enabled';
> it seemed to enable it, but then my fing pictures did not render!  I'm
> about to lose it.
> Anyone have any time to maybe try to help me out here.  I'm looking at
> this documentation and wondering how the hell people are even
> manipulating this plug-in at all.  For example look at these guys,
> they manipulated the hell out of the Carousel and I have no idea how
> the heck they even figure out how to use the functions or where they
> are getting all these nifty functions.  I assume half of it is just
> using the jQuery library selectors on an object but still:
> On Jul 2, 6:31 am, expresso <> wrote:
> > I've got a major wall with this plug-in.  You have to specify a size
> > that is > than the # of images that are currently viewable to get the
> > next button to be enabled.  That mucks up my entire logic when trying
> > to look up in a javascript array and paint a new set of pictures every
> > time you move next in the caoursel.
> >
> > So I figured hey, maybe I can specify x images that does not go over
> > what is shown.  So if I pass 3 images, it will show 3 and not have to
> > specify a size of 4 just to get the next button to be enabled.  The
> > only way I can see to do this (possibly, but I'm not sure yet if this
> > will work) is to use the buttonNextCallback and somehow I guess in my
> > buttonNextCallback method that I assign it to, to do some logic and
> > enable or disable it.
> > Problem is I have not a clue how to use it!  There is absolutely no
> > documentation on how to set it and then what the syntax would be to
> > enable or disable the button.  And to make matters worse, the author
> > has dropped off the face of the earth.
> > So if anyone can shed some light on how I can control this next
> > button, you will save me from probably days more of work and I've
> > already spent a week on this!  I am about to go luda.
> > Also, can someone tell me how the heck he's getting the next button to
> > show enabled?  because in mine, if I specify a length over what's
> > shown and I click next, I get either empty frames or I get one picture
> > or two pictures in the next set when you click next.  His doesn't do
> > that.  He gets a nice new set of 3 each time and his next button is
> > enabled:  
> >

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