Thanks Charlie,

Greatly appreciate your assistance with this. Unfortunately however
still no joy...

I'd prefer to continue using the Prototype version of Lightbox and
I've now been informed by other team members that I must so am really
keen to get Superfish and Lightbox2 working properly independent of
one another on this and similar pages.

Have had a go at implementing jQuery.noConflict(); and you'll be able
to see how I've gone about doing this within the head section of the
same page as before
. Not sure if I followed your instructions to a tee though: I added
what I thought to be the correct jQuery.noConflict(); code to the
existing Superfish script tag within the page head.
I then proceeded to change/ swap out (used Dreamweaver's 'find and
replace') every instance of '$' in the two external javascript files
related to Superfish - superfish.js & hoverIntent.js . I've not made
any changes to the jquery-1.2.6.min.js file contents. I was assuming
this is what you meant by, "[...] then you have to change all "$" used
for jQuery functions to "jQuery"."

The reference/ call to the external prototype.js remains positioned
under the above script tag mentioned above.

On the remote website the initial problem still remains so I'm
assuming I've not properly implemented the jQuery.noConflict();

I've been searching the web for a beginners/ n00b step by step
tutorial on how to properly implement jQuery.noConflict(); but yet to
find one so thought I'd post again here .

Thanks again,


On Jul 3, 4:38 am, Charlie <> wrote:
> was trying to look at the navbar and didn't see protoype script there
> one problem is you have 2 versions of jquery.js loading, one with each 
> plugin. That can cause problems. Keep the top one, delete bottom one. See if 
> that helps. If menu problem persists seeing a version with no other scripts 
> running might help
> if you use prototye put the jQuery.noConflict() right at beginning of the 
> script tag with $(document).ready and place it before $(document).ready, then 
> you have to change all "$" used for jQuery functions to "jQuery".
> JayD wrote:Hi, Firstly, really likeSuperfish! Also should mention I'm a 
> complete noob when it comes to JavaScript code. Have successfully implemented 
> the out-of-the-boxSuperfishnav-bar style within this website though - it's 
> temporarily located here this site is 
> still very much under construction, styling is still yet to be done 
> (including the nav bar) and the site-wide build is only partially uploaded to 
> the remote server). The site is a partial rebuild/ redesign and the old site 
> used Lokesh Dhakar's lightbox2 on a number of pages (page contents on the new 
> site are to remain the same as the old). On pages that reference the 
> lightbox2 script (using 'Prototype JavaScript framework - version 1.4.0') a 
> slight conflict with the desired rendering of theSuperfishnav-bar seems to 
> occur - example 
> page seems to 
> still work fine and so doesSuperfishmostly, however the ‘PHP if statement’ 
> generating the ‘current class tab’ on the top level 'News' button is lost/ 
> missing and the second tier level button row has greater space between it and 
> the top level than desired (while on this page mouse-over a different top 
> level button to see what I mean). Hope the above makes sense. When I turn off 
> <script type="text/javascript" src="../js/ prototype.js"></script> in the 
> head section of the pageSuperfishappears perfect so I'm assuming it's got 
> something to do with the ‘prototype’ framework ? I've looked at 'jQuery with 
> Other Libraries' but as a noob this is over-my-head 
> atm to be honest 
> I'm not sure if I'm on the right track. Did also try turning 'Lokesh Dhakar's 
> lightbox2' off and used 'jQueryLightbox0.5' instead thinking the two jQuery 
> scripts should work together. The same problem still occurred however. 
> Anyway, thought at this point I should probably post here and see if someone 
> can assist me. Thanks in advance. JayD

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