Hi, Keith...

I'm not sure what the final solution will be for your particular issue,
especially since
your are using "home-grown ajax", but I will say that I deal with
DOM-injected code
all the time by using the livequery plug-in available for jQuery.  It's
designed for just
this purpose...to apply previous functionality to newly injected DOM code.

I tried using the new .live() function available in the more recent versions
of jQuery,
but that function is more limited in its application from triggers such as
blur, etc.

Check the livequery plug-in for jQuery...it just may make your day.


On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 2:52 AM, transpar3nt <caspergho...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello, I am fairly new to jQuery so if this is obvious please be
> gentle :P
> I am currently trying to get a plugin script (or any script for that
> matter) to fire when used inside of a div that contains content that
> was loaded using AJAX.
> In this case I have a page that onLoads a user input form into a div
> using AJAX.  The jQuery plugin I am using is Autotab (http://
> www.lousyllama.com/sandbox/jquery-autotab) which is used to
> automatically tab through the phone number fields (555 'tab' 321 'tab'
> 4567).  This works flawlessly when used on a non-ajax page, but I
> cannot get it working here.
> Logic:
> Container page:
>     loads the jQuery and plugin scripts in html head
>     body onLoads the form page using ajax into the div
> ajax-loaded script:
>    prepares the script to fire (using jQuery document.ready) as
> below:
>       $(document).ready(function() {
>         $('#ph1').autotab({ target: 'ph2', format: 'numeric' });
>         $('#ph2').autotab({ target: 'ph3', format: 'numeric',
> previous: 'ph1' });
>         $('#ph3').autotab({ previous: 'ph2', format: 'numeric' });
>       });
>    below that is the form with the text inputs id=ph1, ph2, ph3
> The only thing I can attribute to this not working is the fact that
> the form is loaded after the document is technically 'ready'.  Oh and
> I have tried putting the document.ready part in the header of the
> container page and still doesn't work.  And if this matters, the AJAX
> scripts I am using are from my own ajax modules library (not jQuery
> ajax) that I built, and work flawlessly to do their part... so far.
> I really appreciate any help any of you gurus may provide,,, my
> background is more in the back-end scripting (php, mysql, etc.) and
> javascript, although fascinating, is still quite foreign to me!
>  - Keith

"Ninety percent of the politicians give the other ten percent a bad
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