Adding a "&jsoncallback=?" or "&callback=?" got rid of the Access to
restricted URI denied" code: "1012 but I get no data showing in my
plug-in when adding either of those querystring params to my url.  So
I don't get it.  I thought that it's supposed to automatically
replace ? with function(data) in my case??  Do I need to send
something back in the response or something??  I ask because certain
APIs such as yahoo require an _ in front.  But so does this mean I
also need to supply something in my json response?  I thought all you
need to do is just add the callback param in your request.

On Jul 6, 9:44 am, expresso <> wrote:
> This works fine:
>             $.getJSON("http://localhost:59396/xxxWeb/
> CarouselHandler.ashx?action=getproducts&ids=" + ids,
>                 function(data) {
>                     carousel.size(allProductIDs.length);
>                     if (numberOfImagesLeftToShow <
> numberOfImagesToDisplay) {
>                         first += (numberOfImagesToDisplay -
> numberOfImagesLeftToShow);
>                     }
>                     var d = 0;
>                     for (var i = first; i <= last; i++) {
>                         if (d != undefined) {
>                             // add data using index of the array
> returned by JSON (which starts at 0)
>                             carousel.add(i, decode(data[d].ImageTag));
>                         }
>                         // set to last ProductID showing in Carousel
>                         if (i == last) { lastProductID = parseFloat
> (data[d].ProductID); }
>                         d++;
>                     }
>                 }
>             );
> This does not work, I get no pictures rendered after trying to add the
> &format=json&jsoncallback=? :
>             $.getJSON("http://localhost:59396/xxxWeb/
> CarouselHandler.ashx?action=getproducts&ids=" + ids +
> "&format=json&jsoncallback=?",
>                 function(data) {
>                     carousel.size(allProductIDs.length);
>                     if (numberOfImagesLeftToShow <
> numberOfImagesToDisplay) {
>                         first += (numberOfImagesToDisplay -
> numberOfImagesLeftToShow);
>                     }
>                     var d = 0;
>                     for (var i = first; i <= last; i++) {
>                         if (d != undefined) {
>                             // add data using index of the array
> returned by JSON (which starts at 0)
>                             carousel.add(i, decode(data[d].ImageTag));
>                         }
>                         // set to last ProductID showing in Carousel
>                         if (i == last) { lastProductID = parseFloat
> (data[d].ProductID); }
>                         d++;
>                     }
>                 }
>             );
> Same for here, calling to our dev server.
> $.getJSON("http://xxxdev/xxx/CarouselHandler.ashx?
> action=getproducts&ids=" + ids + "&format=json&jsoncallback=?",
>                 function(data) {
> No idea why.  No errors, nothing.

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