Very nice! I'd been playing with something along these lines but it's
really buggy (and I'm lazy). Kudos for the 'classname' option. I much
prefer to specify a 'loading' image with CSS than to pass the filename
to a JS object. And it doesn't require dimensions (mine does). I'll
quietly retire my little experiment now.

On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 11:39 PM, Nathan Bubna<> wrote:
> If you need to let the user know something is happening in the
> background, this is the easiest way.  It handles creation,
> positioning, masking/blocking stuff behind, and even "pulsing" the
> loading message with a few simple options.  Of course, there's more
> than a few options.  Everything is configurable and extensible.  It's
> even easy to create your own pulsing/spinning/throbbing effects, and
> it can display text (default), images or any element you like with
> ease and simplicity.  It works page-wide with a "static" call:
> $.loading(true, {mask:true})
> or per-element, with chaining and all:
> $('#foo').loading({ align:'center' })
> The best way to start seeing what can be done and how to use it is to
> play with the demo:
> Enjoy.  And if you find bugs or have more clever ideas for it, let me
> know.  I like feedback of all kinds.

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