On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 9:10 AM, Penner, Matthew<mpen...@valverde.edu> wrote:
> Great job!  Just a comment on the demo page.  When I set the mask to
> true I lose the ability to interact with the page, as designed of
> course! :)  Maybe you could make a timeout of like 5 seconds.  Otherwise
> I have to refresh the page just to test out some other things.

Great idea!

> A suggestion I have for the plug-in itself would be the option to use
> both an image and text.  I personally like the spinning gif with the
> text "Loading..." below it.

Hmm.  That would look nice.  You can already do this with the 'element' option:

$.loading({element: '<img src="loading.gif"><div>Loading...</div>'})

or even css:

$.loading({css:{paddingTop:15, background:'url(loading.gif) no-repeat'}});

that could be done in your stylesheet rules as well, of course.  As i
think about it, this css-based approach seems most sensible, as it
allows the text-based pulse effects (working, ellipsis and type) to
work.  Adding the ability to combine text and img options like so:

$.loading({img:'loading.gif', text:'Loading...'})

would break with those pulse effects and could also lead to
implementation complication, as not everyone is likely to prefer the
img above the text; some might want it below or beside.  Given these
downsides, i'm not sure it's worth adding, especially since there are
other relatively simple ways to do it.  :)

> Great job!

Thanks for the feedback!  It's great to have other eyes/apps/browsers
trying this out.

> Matt Penner
> -----Original Message-----
> From: jquery-en@googlegroups.com [mailto:jquery...@googlegroups.com] On
> Behalf Of Nathan Bubna
> Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2009 8:40 PM
> To: jquery-en@googlegroups.com
> Subject: [jQuery] [ANNOUNCE] New plugin: Loading
> http://plugins.jquery.com/project/loading
> If you need to let the user know something is happening in the
> background, this is the easiest way.  It handles creation,
> positioning, masking/blocking stuff behind, and even "pulsing" the
> loading message with a few simple options.  Of course, there's more
> than a few options.  Everything is configurable and extensible.  It's
> even easy to create your own pulsing/spinning/throbbing effects, and
> it can display text (default), images or any element you like with
> ease and simplicity.  It works page-wide with a "static" call:
> $.loading(true, {mask:true})
> or per-element, with chaining and all:
> $('#foo').loading({ align:'center' })
> The best way to start seeing what can be done and how to use it is to
> play with the demo:
> http://jquery-values.googlecode.com/svn/other/loading/jquery.loading.htm
> Enjoy.  And if you find bugs or have more clever ideas for it, let me
> know.  I like feedback of all kinds.

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