Ok, thanks, it works know... also, don't forget (like me) to give a
name (name="...") to your submit button, or else it won't work.

On Jul 9, 12:40 pm, Jörn Zaefferer <joern.zaeffe...@googlemail.com>
> The latest version (1.5.5+) includes a feature that automatically
> appends a hidden field to the form with the name/value pair of the
> submit button, before calling submitHanlder (and removing it
> afterwards). So you can just use ajaxSubmit.
> Jörn
> On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 11:43 AM, rekna<rek...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm using jquery validation to validate and submit all my forms.
> > The submitHandler of jquery validation uses jquery form plugin to
> > submit the form using $(form).ajaxSubmit()
> > Without validation, you can use $(form).ajaxForm(...) to submit your
> > form using ajax, and this will also send the value of the button which
> > caused the submit.
> > With validation, I have to use ajaxSubmit, instead of ajaxForm, but
> > ajaxSubmit can not automatically add the value of the submit button to
> > the POST values.
> > Is there a generic way, to find out in the submitHandler of jquery
> > validation, which button was pressed that caused the submit ?

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