"so it's only respectful on my part to
start a new thread on a different topic that's veering off in the same
thread.  Not cool. "

You've got it backwards.... it makes more sense and keeps the clutter
out if you stay in the same topic.....

As Liam points out.... you already asked the index question, AND it
was answered by Charlie, in the topic you created just 13 hours ago


and yet, here's an identical topic asking the identical question with
2 min apart two sentence ramblings on them all....

Realize what this list for what it is:   a mailing list where lots of
us provide free help out of our own time....

making it difficult to understand what you are asking, being rude to
people trying to show you the way, rambling on and on with the same
stuff....  all that doesn't lend itself very well to make your issues
worth other peoples time and effort


On Jul 9, 11:12 am, expresso <dschin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Because sometimes I get into other topics not related to my original
> posts in those other thread so it's only respectful on my part to
> start a new thread on a different topic that's veering off in the same
> thread.  Not cool.
> On Jul 9, 9:30 am, Liam Potter <radioactiv...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > how about reading all the replies to your other thread about this?
> > $("#mycarousel > li:eq(10)").css("margin-right", "5px");
> > expresso wrote:
> > > Is it possible to target certain <li> in an unordered list by index
> > > with jQuery?  I thought maybe I could use .index but was not able to
> > > get the syntax right.
> > > I thought maybe something like this would work but is has not:
> > > $("#mycarousel > li").index(i).css("margin-right", "5px");

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