Charlie, I have said thanks in a lot of my posts.

Second, I am customizing this control way beyond what most people
have.  And yes, it's pretty frustrating to say the least when you
create a plugin and then disappear after 2 years.  While it's open
source, still.  When you email the creator nicely asking him if he's
still contributing and you get no response, and then the forums the
pages for that Carousel are abandoned, one's got to wonder wtf.

My tone?  Look at the kind of responses I get from people like you.
Stuff like "Of Course that won't work".  Your tone is just as cocky as
you think mine is.

>>>a number of the last posts directed back to you have been trying to give you 
>>>a clue that everyone is getting really tired of all the frantic posts

I don't see how they are frantic, just separated out. And I don't see
all the people here who are getting fed up.

I want you and Morning to know that some of the responses are
definitely passive aggressive on your side to even start with.  Do you
need examples?

I'm not here to argue.  I'll do my best to consolidate my replies.
And understand that people are human, sure I'm frustrated with the
fact that the author is no longer to be found.  Don't take someone's
frustration to the point of saying I'm being negative when I was not
THAT negative.  What a way to blow this entire thing out of the water.

On Jul 9, 2:08 pm, Charlie <> wrote:
> you sir are a complete ingrate! 
> You have had endless help from numerous people for 2 weeks on a simple 
> carousel. I don't think you understand the tone of a number of the last posts 
> directed back to you have been trying to give you a clue that everyone is 
> getting really tired of all the frantic posts, condemning someone's code ( on 
> a plugin that 100's of people have used I might add), not reading replies 
> with solutions......and to top it off this post makes it sound like others 
> with busy lives are just sitting around waiting to help you!
> This post is rude! Wake up! Any reply to MorningZ's post I would have been 
> expecting to see some thanks, rather than being a pompous A**. My bet is you 
> just burned a big bridge to any further assistance with an attitude like the 
> one displayed here
> I'm betting I speak for many others who are tired of the inbox clutter from 
> your carousel problems
> expresso wrote:how the hell am I being rude? And second, I am giving 
> information to help you help me. Again I try all sorts of shit before I post 
> stuff. I don't just post on every step of the way. I am showing you what I 
> have tried. So you either get called out for not giving enough information or 
> giving too little. Chill On Jul 9, 11:04 am, 
> MorningZ<>wrote:"so it's only respectful on my part to 
> start a new thread on a different topic that's veering off in the same 
> thread.  Not cool. " You've got it backwards.... it makes more sense and 
> keeps the clutter out if you stay in the same topic..... As Liam points 
> out.... you already asked the index question, AND it was answered by Charlie, 
> in the topic you created just 13 hours 
> ago 
> and yet, here's an identical topic asking the identical question with 2 min 
> apart two sentence ramblings on them all.... Realize what this list for what 
> it is:   a mailing list where lots of us provide free help out of our own 
> time.... making it difficult to understand what you are asking, being rude to 
> people trying to show you the way, rambling on and on with the same stuff.... 
>  all that doesn't lend itself very well to make your issues worth other 
> peoples time and effort . On Jul 9, 11:12 am, 
> expresso<>wrote:Because sometimes I get into other topics 
> not related to my original posts in those other thread so it's only 
> respectful on my part to start a new thread on a different topic that's 
> veering off in the same thread.  Not cool.On Jul 9, 9:30 am, Liam 
> Potter<>wrote:how about reading all the replies to 
> your other thread about this?$("#mycarousel > li:eq(10)").css("margin-right", 
> "5px");expresso wrote:Is it possible to target certain <li> in an unordered 
> list by index with jQuery?  I thought maybe I could use .index but was not 
> able to get the syntax right.I thought maybe something like this would work 
> but is has not:$("#mycarousel > li").index(i).css("margin-right", "5px");

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