jQuery 1.3.2
ClueTip 1.0.4

        activation: 'click',
        local: true,
        showTitle: false,
        sticky: true,
        mouseOutClose: true,
        cluetipClass: 'jtip',
        width: 550,
        height: 300,
        fx: { open: 'fadeIn' }

div.DownloadInfo { display: none; }

<a href="#" class="DownloadInfoLink"
        rel="#download_info_X">click here for stuff</a>

<div class="DownloadInfo" id="download_info_X">
 stuff here...

This works terrific in everything except IE6, where the cluetip comes
up empty. If I remove the display: none and use hideLocal: true the
contents of all .DownloadInfo are displayed as the page loads. I'm
guessing there may be a general issue (not just with ClueTip) with IE6
not hiding things quick enough. Does anyone know of a workaround?

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