Yes that is correct you need to separate  the dialog from the open

like this note: I set the autoOpen to false.


          overlay: {backgroundColor: "#000",opacity: 0.5},
            "Delete": function() {},
            "Cancel": function() {$(this).dialog("close");}

let me know how that works out for you
Mean Mike

On Jul 16, 8:31 am, Carlo Landmeter <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have probably a simple question which i cannot seem to find the
> answer to.
> I have a series of images which i want to use as buttons to trigger a
> dialog. Inside this dialog i need the ID of the image button (or any
> other element). But it seems after I load the dialog i cannot alter
> the content of it anymore. As an example I have tried to change the
> title of the #dialog so it will show the updated title when i click
> the button. The only way i am able to do this is when i put all of
> this inside the .click function and start with .attr function followed
> by the .dialog function. The problem is when i do this and close the
> dialog i cannot enable the dialog anymore. I guess this is why they
> have the .dialog("open").
> Is there a way i can achieve what I'm trying to do  here? Maybe there
> is a better way of doing this?
> Tia,
> Carlo
> code:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>   $(".button").click(function(event){
>     $("#dialog").attr("title",;
>     $("#dialog").dialog({
>       autoOpen:true,
>       modal:true,
>       overlay: {backgroundColor: "#000",opacity: 0.5},
>       resizable:false,
>       buttons:{
>         "Delete": function() {},
>         "Cancel": function() {$(this).dialog("close");}
>       }
>     });
>   });
> });
> <div id="dialog" title="i did not change">this is a test</div>

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