I will try that ones I have tackled the following issue.

I keep having issues with dialog because the dialog is created before
i use the .click function. Because of this i cannot change some
options of the dialog. For instance:

If i click the button i am able to retrieve the id of this button and
use it. problem is that my dialog function has to be loaded before i
use the dialog(open) function. How am i able to insert the ID in the
$somevar variable in my below example?
The only way I can think of getting this done is putting the dialog
function inside the .click function but for this we already have a
dedicated function dialog(open). Any idea how to solve this?

      overlay: {backgroundColor: "#000",opacity: 0.5},
        "Delete": function() {window.location = "/home/" + $somevar ;},
        "Cancel": function() {$(this).dialog("close");}
      var $message = "You are about to do something: ";
      $(".ui-dialog-content").text($message + $(this).attr("id"));
      var $somevar = $(this).attr("id");

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 1:14 AM, Charlie<charlie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> sure, just add
> $("#dialog").load("url") to click function you have
> Carlo Landmeter wrote:
> Thanks for your replies.
> If I look at your first option I wouldn't know how i could know the
> correct ID before i click the button but i have to initiate the dialog
> open after the normal dialog function. You second option seems the
> best way for me, after the dialog is created i can modify its content
> with your suggested code. Now I still want to find if i can also load
> a page with ajax (load) instead of a local div.
> Thx again,
> Carlo
> code:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>     $("#dialog").dialog({
>       autoOpen:false,
>       modal:true,
>       overlay: {backgroundColor: "#000",opacity: 0.5},
>       resizable:false,
>       buttons:{
>         "Delete": function() {},
>         "Cancel": function() {$(this).dialog("close");}
>       }
>     });
>     $(".button").click(function(event){
>       $("#dialog").dialog("open");
>       $("#ui-dialog-title-dialog").text($(this).attr("id"));
>     });
> });';
> <div id="dialog">this is a test</div>
> On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 3:55 PM, Charlie<charlie...@gmail.com> wrote:
> dialog has a setter option for title, it isn't really a title attiribute.
> The dialog "title is actually a span with class ui-dialog-title-dialog
> http://jqueryui.com/demos/dialog/#option-title
> $('.selector').dialog('option', 'title', 'Dialog Title');
> either pass the id into the option or you can use
> $(".button").click(function(event){
>         $('#dialog').dialog('open');
>          $('. ui-dialog-title-dialog ').text($(this).attr("id"));
>     });
> constructor must be separate as Mike pointed out
> Mean Mike wrote:
> Yes that is correct you need to separate  the dialog from the open
> like this note: I set the autoOpen to false.
> [code]
> $(document).ready(function(){
>       $(".button").click(function(event){
>               $("#dialog").attr("title", event.target.id);
>               $('#dialog').dialog('open');
>       });
>       $("#dialog").dialog({
>         autoOpen:false,
>         modal:true,
>         overlay: {backgroundColor: "#000",opacity: 0.5},
>         resizable:false,
>         buttons:{
>           "Delete": function() {},
>           "Cancel": function() {$(this).dialog("close");}
>         }
>       });
> });
> [/code]
> let me know how that works out for you
> Mean Mike
> On Jul 16, 8:31 am, Carlo Landmeter <clandme...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have probably a simple question which i cannot seem to find the
> answer to.
> I have a series of images which i want to use as buttons to trigger a
> dialog. Inside this dialog i need the ID of the image button (or any
> other element). But it seems after I load the dialog i cannot alter
> the content of it anymore. As an example I have tried to change the
> title of the #dialog so it will show the updated title when i click
> the button. The only way i am able to do this is when i put all of
> this inside the .click function and start with .attr function followed
> by the .dialog function. The problem is when i do this and close the
> dialog i cannot enable the dialog anymore. I guess this is why they
> have the .dialog("open").
> Is there a way i can achieve what I'm trying to do  here? Maybe there
> is a better way of doing this?
> Tia,
> Carlo
> code:
> $(document).ready(function(){
>   $(".button").click(function(event){
>     $("#dialog").attr("title", event.target.id);
>     $("#dialog").dialog({
>       autoOpen:true,
>       modal:true,
>       overlay: {backgroundColor: "#000",opacity: 0.5},
>       resizable:false,
>       buttons:{
>         "Delete": function() {},
>         "Cancel": function() {$(this).dialog("close");}
>       }
>     });
>   });
> });
> <div id="dialog" title="i did not change">this is a test</div>

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