Your best option is to log on the server-side page the form submits to.
Barring that, you can always submit the form on a callback from your $.get()

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 4:26 PM, IMStarboard <>wrote:

> There is a form that performs a post on our site that I need to insert
> an "onclick" call to perform some logging using $.get() , but the call
> is never executed because the form posts before the call can be
> executed.  I believe this because if I insert an alert("test") after
> that call, it works, otherwise it doesn't.
> I thought to pull the submission out into a separate function that is
> called from "onclick=" that would execute my new $.get and then do the
> form post with $.post, and finish with exit(false) so the form html
> doesn't post again, but the $.post is only an ajax call and I also
> need it to redirect the browser to a new document location.
> Any thoughts?
> Thanks!

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